Mandala Art
Mandala Art
Mandala Art

Mandala Art

“A mandala is the psychological expression of the totality of the self.”

– Carl Jung on Mandala Art

The world mandala comes from Sanskrit and it means “sacred circle.” Mandalas are a geometric configuration of symbols. They have been recognized by psychology as a therapeutic tool.

Mandalas are designed to help bring along a feeling of relaxation freeing you from worries. This is because they make it easier to focus on the present moment acting as a powerful relaxation tool.

Exactly why we chose to begin our Art week celebration by sharing Mandala Art with you all. Given the year we have and are having, it is highly important to include Art and its benefits into our life.

Designing and coloring mandalas can help you focus your attention. That’s why they’re a great exercise for calming down when you’re stressed and waking up your mind. Here are some benefits of mandalas:

  • They help with balance and concentration.
  • They bring peace and tranquility.
  • Looking at them will give you a feeling of calmness.
  • Another thing they do is push aside thoughts and let your creativity flow.

How to start with Mandala Art?

Mandalas go from the center and outwards. You have absolute freedom with the colors and shapes. They make it easier to be creative and are a great source of new ideas.

Mandalas are an artistic kind of free expression. You can draw them however you like.

If drawing isn’t your cup of tea, you can buy readily available books and focus on coloring them in.

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